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Music from the Robert ap Huw
Manuscript Volume I
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Click on the author's name to read the full review

To say this is a hugely important album would be to understate the effort and musical
achievement that this work surely represents.
Seán Laffey, Irish Music Magazine

The music is played on a metal-strung medieval-style willow harp
and its clarity and simplicity unfolds into layers of variations
with an enchantingly hypnotic effect.
Blanche Rowen, onTRAC

Paul Dooley has brought this ancient music to life with exquisite serenity...
This is volume I, I eagerly await the second.
Delyth Jenkins, Taplas

A fascinating CD, which helps to preserve and to make
widely available music from an age far-removed from our modern times.
Aidan Crossey, Pay The Reckoning

...mesmerising, I can’t wait for volume II
Sarah McQuaid, Hot Press   9/10

Revelling in its difference, this is music for a time when we'd all do well to check
our own preconceptions of what music is all about.
Siobhán Long, The Irish Times   ****



last updated 04/03/14
©pauldooley.com 2004